Welcome to the latest edition of the AWAVA Weekly Round-Up. Many of the links we have shared this week highlight the interconnectedness and intersectionality of violence against women. The conversations and actions taking place around the world are crucial if we are to prevent and eliminate violence against women. From violence against women with disabilities; to violence against women in culturally diverse communities; to relationships to violence in the trans* community; as well as many other intersecting identities and communities, gender-based violence is a key topic of discussion.

Around the Country

Around the World

Research, Resources and Reports

Get Involved!

  • JERA International is currently undertaking the Coordinated Australian NGO 20 year review of the Beijing Platform for Action. Information will be gathered from civil society groups and individuals throughout July through until September, 2014. The review of the BPFA takes place each 5 years and in 2015 we will be celebrating the 4th complete review of the BPFA and the 20th year of the existence of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. The online survey can be found at http://esurv.org/?u=Beijing20
  • The Foundation to Prevent Violence against Women and their Children is currently recruiting three Project Implementation Leaders as part of their Respectful Relationships Education in Secondary Schools project. Applications close at 4pm on 22nd August 2014



**Articles published do not necessarily reflect the view of AWAVA and are included as items of interest only.