Welcome to the latest edition of the AWAVA Weekly Round-Up. This week, many of the articles we have highlighted focus on the need to change the broad attitudes, beliefs and behaviours of communities. The sexism and prejudices that lead to violence against women can be found in the way that institutions, organisations and individuals interact at all levels of society. It is the responsibility of all people and organisations to examine their own actions and beliefs and make changes to prevent and eliminate violence against women.

Around the Country

Around the World

Research, Resources and Reports

  • The Australian Muslim Women’s Centre for Human Rights has developed a new resource focussed on media representations of Female Genital Cutting (FGC) entitled Respectful Dialogue: A guide for responsible reporting on Female Genital Cutting
  • A full version of the submission made by ANROWS (Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety) to the Senate Finance and Public Administration References Committee’s inquiry into domestic violence in Australia is now available online

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