Our Advisory Group

Our Advisory Group comprises member organisations from all states and territories, including peak bodies, in the area of preventing and responding to violence against women. AWAVA’s Advisory Group informs AWAVA’s priorities and work plan and amplifies the voices of the women and networks that members represent, with particular emphasis on intersectionality. The Advisory Group is intended to represent the different sub-sectors within the violence against women sector.

If you are interested in joining AWAVA, please contact the Secretariat at [email protected]

Our current members are:

Organisation Advisory Group member
Association of Women Educators AWE Maria Delaney
Alota Lima
Australasian Council of Women and Policing ACWAP Maha Sukkar
Gerry McKenna
Australian Women’s Health Network AWHN Holly Brennan
Heidi La Paglia
Centre For Women’s Safety and Wellbeing WA Alison Evans
Domestic Violence NSW DVNSW Elise Phillips
Embolden – Alliance for Women’s Freedom, Equity and Respect
Ending Violence Against Women Queensland EVAWQ Emma Iwinska
Harmony Alliance: Migrant and Refugee Women for Change Nuria Alarcon Lopez
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women’s Alliance NATSIWA Yasmin Johnson
Wendy Anders
National Association of Services Against Sexual Violence NASASV Heather Clarke
National Council of Single Mothers and their Children NCSMC Terese Edwards
National Rural Women’s Coalition NRWC Keli McDonald
Jo Stewart-Rattray
National Union of Students Women’s Officer NUS Women’s Officer Georgette Mouawad
Project Respect Carolyn Gowers
Ruby Gaea NT Samantha Chung
Safe and Equal Louise Simms
Kate Mecham
Sexual Assault Support Service, Tasmania SASS Tas Jill Maxwell
Holly Mason-White
Sisters Inside SIS Debbie Kilroy
Women’s Essential Service Providers Tasmania WESP Tas Haidee Fullard
Women’s Legal Services Australia WLSA Yvette Cehtel
Liz Snell

Women’s Safety NSW

Ash Johnstone

Women’s Services Network

WESNET Julie Oberin
Margaret Augerinos

Women With Disabilities Australia

Young Women’s Advisory Group of Equality Rights Alliance YWAG ERA Linnea Burdon-Smith
AWAVA Secretariat AWAVA Karen Bentley
Jen Bushell