“The Graeme Schofield Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine Oration 2014
“What Works? Strategies for preventing sexual violence”
Professor Rachel Jewkes
Director of the Sexual Violence Research Initiative, South Africa
Internationally recognised expert on sexual violence Professor Rachel Jewkes will discuss effective measures for the prevention of sexual violence at the Graeme Schofield Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine Oration, 2014.
Professor Jewkes is a public health physician and the Director of the Gender and Health Research Unit at the South African Research Council in Pretoria, South Africa. She is also the Secretary of the Sexual Violence Research Initiative and the Director of the global program called What works to prevent violence?
Globally a third of women and girls have experienced physical or sexual violence from an intimate partner. In some regions this prevalence is even higher.”
For more information, visit: http://www.eventbee.com/v/schofieldoration2014?ct=t%282014_Oration_VIFM_News_5_5_2014%29