In Victoria, schools will soon offer an elective course on feminism designed by Fitzroy High School’s feminist collective. The course is aimed at male and female secondary students and includes about 30 lessons on systemic sexism, the objectification of women, and the link between gender inequality and violence against women. Teacher Briony O’Keefe says a growing number of boys support the collective, and want to join the class at Fitzroy High, which has reached its maximum intake with about 10 girls and three boys. 

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Get involved

  • Women’s Services Network (WESNET), AWAVA’s lead agency, is running a four day training workshop for services and agencies working with or supporting women experiencing gender based violence. The workshop will focus on strategies to address technology facilitated abuse and will run on 26, 27 November and 3, 4 December 2015. The training is funded by the ACT Government and is open to participants from the ACT. Register here!
  • Wise Angel Foundation, a newly established charity aimed at providing support to families experiencing domestic violence, is holding its launch event on 14 November 2015 in Melbourne. Register here!
  • Community Legal Centres NSW is celebrating its 40th birthday on 19 and 20 November 2015. Register here!
  • Domestic Violence Action Centre Gala Cocktail party will be held on Monday, 23 November 2015 in Ipswich, Queensland. Register here!
  • Queensland Centre for Domestic and Family Violence Research and ANROWS are conducting a national survey relating to the enforcement of domestic violence protections orders in Australia. Complete the survey here by 30 November 2015.
  • The 21st Nursing Network on Violence Against Women International Conference 2016 will be held from 26-28 October 2016. More information here!