Settle in with a cuppa – it’s a very full round-up this week!
Around the nation:
- In this article Kelly Hinton, Executive Director of Project Respect, urges government to take action to end trafficking
- More on the Victorian State Government proposed changes to stop sex-trafficking can be found here
- Read more on this topic in Dr Caroline Norma’s opinion piece
- the Queensland Government is set to start putting GPS tracking devices on sex offenders from November.
- The Victorian Government has announced additional funding to improve mental health services for women – particularly women’s safety
- The Federal Government has announced an investigation into student visa’s and links to sex slavery
- An enquiry and report into the conditions of the womens prison, Bandyup, reveals some worrying findings
- In Queensland, October is Sexual Violence awareness month
- Still in Queensland, and the LNP says it will back changes to laws to prevent sexual violence against children
- A new Factsheet has just been released by the Global Campaign to Stop Torture in Health Care: ˜Against Her Will: Forced and Coerced Sterilization of Women Worldwide™ – available for download here
There have been some important announcements this week from the Federal Government
- South Australian Vietnamese organisation funded to Reduce Violence Against Women and their Children
- More Funding to fight Slavery and Labour Trafficking
- Community Groups encouraged to take part in extended school chaplaincy and welfare program
Around the world:
- Three women shared the Nobel Peace Prize – read more here
- A new study by the University of British Columbia (Canada) has found even after women have separated from an abusive partner, the violence still costs Canadians an estimated $6.9 billion a year. The study analysed categories of cost to publicly funded programs and services that include hospitalization, X-rays, visits to the doctor, legal aid, children protection worker, unemployment insurance and social assistance. The study also calculated private, third-party costs such as psychologist, dentist, counseling and food bank use.
- A Lancet study shows how general practice can substantially improve care for women experiencing domestic violence.
- There are several articles here regarding ‘Rape Pages”” on Facebook
- In New Zealand, there has been a rise in sexual assaults in Cantebury – click here to learn more
- This article looks at the increasing risk to women’s safety in Haiti
- In PNG, Social Media is being used to express outrage and demand action to end violence against women
- In Kansas, USA, the city of Topeka is considering decriminalising domestic violence as a money-saving measure. Read more detail on this topic here
- This article reports that sexual violence in Somalia is being ignored
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events:
- Reclaim the Night Canberra Friday October 28th
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Get Involved!
- Nominations are now open for the National Homelessness Services Achievements Award – click here to find out more
- ACSSA needs participants for their new research project – The role of social networking services and mobile phone technology in sexual violence