The Weekly Round-up* has been having a little break, while our website has been upgraded and we have been busy delivering Community Engagement events in regional Australia (don’t forget, you can still sign up to attend the Wilcannia event in December!)

So here is some catch up reading for you:

  •  Stefanie Menezes – ABC News  Last year in Australia 84,000 children tried to get help from a homeless service, but more than half of them were turned away. A new report has found things are not getting much better, and advocates for children are urging the Federal Government to set up a national framework to get homeless children off the streets. more
  • Facebook has finally removed some of it’s pro-rape pages – read more here
  • Women bloggers talk about the mysoginist abuse and threats they receive when voicing their opinion online – more here
  • From the USA  read this article on victim-blaming

and dont forget – you can catch up on all the week’s media releases from Kate Ellis’s office by clicking here


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