
9 12, 2017

Day 15 Greater commitment to ending violence against women

By |2020-06-17T11:27:26+10:00December 9th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on Day 15 Greater commitment to ending violence against women

Tomorrow will mark the end of the #16Days of Activism to end violence against women.   Over these 16 days AWAVA has been highlighting challenges of diverse groups of women, different manifestations and consequences of violence against women, as well as steps to be taken to end violence against women.   We thank you all [...]

8 12, 2017

Day 14 Technology-facilitated abuse & violence against women

By |2020-06-17T11:27:26+10:00December 8th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on Day 14 Technology-facilitated abuse & violence against women

Over the last few decades, technology such as the internet, social media, mobile phones, computers and surveillance devices have increasingly been used against women by perpetrators as a tactic of control and abuse within the wider context of violence against women.   Manifestations of technology-facilitated abuse range from recording of intimate images where a victim/survivor [...]

7 12, 2017

Day 13 Spotlight on violence against women in rural, regional and remote communities

By |2020-06-17T11:27:26+10:00December 7th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on Day 13 Spotlight on violence against women in rural, regional and remote communities

Women living in rural, regional or remote areas are at a higher risk of experiencing family violence.[1] One of the recent studies on legal needs in rural, regional and remote areas identified a mix of multiple needs in the areas of family violence (73%), housing (69%), and family law (65%).[2]  Additionally, the New South Wales [...]

6 12, 2017

Day 12 Gender-responsive housing and homelessness policy

By |2020-06-17T11:27:26+10:00December 6th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on Day 12 Gender-responsive housing and homelessness policy

Homelessness Policy with Women at the Centre: Surveying the Connections between Housing, Gender, Violence and Money.   by Hannah Gissane, Equality Rights Alliance and Merrindahl Andrew, Australian Women Against Violence Alliance. Published originally in the Parity Journal, August 2017, Vol 30/6.   Not all women who experience housing stress or need homelessness services are (or will identify [...]

5 12, 2017

Day 11 Spotlight on violence against migrant and refugee women

By |2018-01-31T13:01:45+11:00December 5th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on Day 11 Spotlight on violence against migrant and refugee women

via GIPHY   Women from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds face a range of complex issues that result from and at the same time reinforce their social, cultural and economic marginalisation. These women have diverse cultural heritages, differing life experiences, including for recent migrants who have various experiences of and reasons for migrating to Australia, and varied experiences [...]

4 12, 2017

Day 10 Removal of children from women with disabilities

By |2020-06-17T11:27:26+10:00December 4th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on Day 10 Removal of children from women with disabilities

International human rights frameworks commit to ensuring the equal treatment of parents with disability. The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability (CRPD) 2006 is intended to guarantee the right to family in various ways for people with disability. The right to family is manifested through the right to marry, rights of reproduction, a right [...]

3 12, 2017

Day 9 International Day of People with Disability

By |2020-06-17T11:27:26+10:00December 3rd, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on Day 9 International Day of People with Disability

The 3rd of December marks the International Day of People with a Disability. This year’s theme is focused on the transformation towards a sustainable and resilient society for all. Drawing on the Sustainable Development Goals principle of “Leave no one behind”, this International Day aims to increase understanding about people with disability and celebrate the contributions of people with [...]

2 12, 2017

Day 8 Economic insecurity and violence against women

By |2020-06-17T11:29:39+10:00December 2nd, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on Day 8 Economic insecurity and violence against women

(Image from WGEA) Gender inequality manifests itself in a range of ways including economic opportunities. Currently in Australia the national gender pay gap is 15.3%.[1] The full-time total remuneration gender pay gap based on the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) data is 23.1%, meaning men working full-time earn nearly $27,000 a year more than women working full-time. Data collected [...]

1 12, 2017

Day 7 Violence against Women and HIV Transmission

By |2020-06-17T11:29:39+10:00December 1st, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on Day 7 Violence against Women and HIV Transmission

December 1st is World AIDS Day, when we raise awareness across the world about the issues surrounding HIV and AIDS. It is a day for people to show their support for people living with HIV and to commemorate people who have died.     Today, we want to raise awareness about the connection between HIV/AIDS and violence against women. Research from [...]

30 11, 2017

Day 6 Spotlight on violence against the LGBTIQ community

By |2020-06-17T11:29:39+10:00November 30th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on Day 6 Spotlight on violence against the LGBTIQ community

Little research has been done into family violence in LGBTIQ relationships, yet anecdotal evidence suggests high rates. The family violence experiences of LGBTIQ people and the barriers they face in obtaining services are distinct from those of other victims/survivors of family violence.[1] LGBTIQ people may also experience distinct forms of family violence, including threats to ‘out’ them.[2] Family [...]

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