Welcome to this week’s round up of news about preventing and responding to violence against women. This week, women’s services and activists will be acknowledging Australian of the Year Rosie Batty’s passionate and tireless advocacy. Join us in thanking Rosie Batty for starting a national conversation on violence against women. Post a tweet with the hashtag #ThankYouRosieBatty!

Around the country

Around the world

Get Involved!

  • AWAVA, in conjunction with Our Watch and supported by WESNET, invite you to attend an international conference on violence against women. The conference will be held from 19 to 22 September 2016. More information here!
  • For Purpose Australia is running a three day professional development workshop for people working in the not-for-profit sector. The workshop will be held in Canberra from 17-19 February, with the option of enrolling in individual seminars on each of the days.
  • The 21st Nursing Network on Violence Against Women International Conference 2016 will be held from 26-28 October 2016. More information here!

Correction: In our last Round-Up, we mistakenly referred to the Australian Women’s Health Network as the “National Women’s Health Network”. Apologies to our valued member organisation, AWHN.