Welcome to this week’s round up. This week, in Queensland and Sydney, three women and two children have been murdered, bringing the number of women who have been killed this year to sixty-two. In all of these cases, the alleged perpetrators were known to the victims. The numbers are grim, as are the stories of countless women who continue to face violence and terror within their homes. We join the rest of the country in mourning the deaths of all the women and children who have died at the hands of domestic and family violence. Over the past week, high profile women have been using social media to speak out against family and domestic violence. We encourage you to read what they have to say and share their important message!
Women’s Legal Services Australia is conducting a survey on the impact of direct cross examination by perpetrators on victims/survivors of domestic violence. If you are a victim/survivor of domestic/family violence, and were involved in family law proceedings and would like to help please click here and answer the short survey. It should take about 5 – 10 minutes to complete. If the survey in any way makes you feel upset, concerned or has any other negative impact on you please contact the National Domestic and Family Violence hotline on 1800 737 732. (24 hours/ 7 days)
Women’s Services Network (WESNET) is presenting two free webinars under the Recharge project funded by ACCAN on technology and safety for community legal service and domestic/family violence practitioners. Places limited. Register here!
The Damned Whores and God’s Police 40 Years On Conference on Anne Summer’s seminal text by the same name will be held at the University of Technology Sydney, from 21 – 23 September 2015. Register here!
The Women’s World Summit Foundation’s new campaign – 17 Days of Activism for the Empowerment of Rural Women and their Communities – begins on 1 October 2015. More information here!
The Festival of THE Rural Woman, a free online global event, is running from 12 – 15 October 2015. Register here!
The Canberra Community Sleepout will be held on 16 October 2015. Find out here how you can get involved and help raise awareness about homelessness in Canberra!
The 3rd World Conference of Women’s Shelters will be held in The Hague from 3 – 6 November 2015. More information here!