Welcome to the latest edition of AWAVA’s weekly round-up. The Royal Commission into Family Violence continues in Victoria this week. Find out more about developments from the Royal Commission in our special Royal Commission section! You can also live stream the hearings and read all the submissions made to the Commission on their website.
In other news, The Prime Minister has urged men to speak up on domestic violence while announcing a domestic violence order scheme, making orders taken out in any state enforceable across the country. This is in addition to the recent announcement that the government will allocate $30 million to a campaign on domestic violence education and advertising around the country. We are pleased to see commitment from the government in tackling domestic violence and look forward to the implementation of these programs.
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Royal Commission into Family Violence
The first and second weeks of the Royal Commission into Family Violence saw the Commission hear from a range of stakeholders, offering insights into key issues in the sector. Over the past two weeks, the Commission has heard from experts in the following areas – children, financial abuse and empowerment, alcohol and drugs, experience of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, housing, mental health, risk management and perpetrator interventions. At the conclusion of the first week, Melissa Davey from the Guardian identified seven key lessons learned from the submissions so far. Unsurprisingly, central to her analysis is the recognition that family violence is extremely complex and multi-faceted, essentially confirming the sector’s long standing belief. Here are some of the discussions that have been taking place in relation to the Royal Commission.
Around the Country
- The Immigration Department has introduced a new visa category, allowing trafficked people and their families to stay in Australia while they help with police investigations.
- In a recent Senate inquiry, the Partners of Veterans Association of Australia has urged for more to be done to protect spouses and children of military personnel from domestic violence.
- In Victoria, the government has announced $400 000 in funding for a new state-wide program to reduce gender inequality and disability discrimination in the workforce.
- Also in Victoria, in response to a recent inquest into the death of 4 year old, Darcey Iris Freeman,Judge Gray is investigating the applicability of mandatory reporting obligations to legal professionals, doctors and counsellors if they have any concerns about the risk of family violence.
- In the ACT, the government is trialling a new program, aimed at altering the behaviour of domestic violence offenders.
- Again in the ACT, Greens Minister, Shane Rattenbury, has proposed draft legislation creating exclusion zones outside abortion clinics in order to prevent anti-abortion protests directly outside abortion clinics.
- In NSW, Premier Mike Baird has urged the NRL to formally suspend members charged with domestic violence offences.
- In South Australia, Police Commissioner, Grant Stevens, has announced major restructuring to address domestic violence, placing the issue high on his priorities list.
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