Welcome to the latest edition of the AWAVA Weekly Round-Up. This week, many of the stories we highlight deal with increases in violence against women during and after natural disasters. This is a clear example of the need to look at events in our society through a gender lens. In 2012, our sister alliances, economic Security4Women and the National Rural Women’s Coalition created a package of resources and training materials to that addressed the disproportionate economic impact of natural disasters on women. These materials are available for download online.


This week has also been the final week of the 59th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW59). The event has been a fantastic opportunity to meet with our colleagues from NGOs around the world and to influence the direction the world’s Governments take to address the needs and rights of women and girls. However, we are concerned about the way that Civil Society Organisations have been excluded from both the negotiation of the political declaration and the Commission of the Status of Women (CSW) Methods of Work resolution and emphasise the vital nature of civil society participation in the CSW process.


AWAVA Representatives Margaret Augerinos and Pauline Woodbridge it at a table waiting for the start of an AWAVA Parallel Event
AWAVA representatives discussing the role of men’s behaviour programs in assessing violence against women


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**Articles published do not necessarily reflect the view of AWAVA and are included as items of interest only.