It is time once again for another edition of the AWAVA Weekly Round-Up. This week, we have highlighted links which include a variety of responses to violence against women from all different sections of the community. We can take this opportunity to learn from both good and bad responses to gender-based violence and gender inequality. Violence exists on a spectrum, and it is the responsibility of every member of society to oppose violence against women in whatever form it takes. 

Around the Country

Around the World

Research and Reports

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  • The Take Back the Tech! campaign will be starting on July 21, in the hopes of encouraging large social media providers to better address violence against women on their platforms
  • Theatre group Improvising Change have called for the submission of short plays on the topic of ‘Mothers and the Impact of Domestic Violence’
  • A research project out of ANU is seeking people over 18, who currently reside in Australia, and who currently work with/on the issues of gender violence and the law/legal system in relation to Aboriginal women and girls in Australia, to complete a survey on Gender Violence and the Rule of Law in Aboriginal Australia


**Articles published do not necessarily reflect the views of AWAVA and are included as items of interest only