Welcome to the AWAVA Weekly Round-Up! This week, the Australian Human Rights Commission has released its Audit Report: the final report of its Review into the Treatment of Women in the Australian Defence Force. Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick chaired the review, working passionately and meticulously to compile the huge amount of research necessary to complete this immensely important undertaking. As a result of the review process, the Australian Defence Force has successfully moved to an environment where significant progress has been made to “improve gender diversity and enhance capacity” on an institutional scale. The Commissioner has urged the Defence Force to continue building on this momentum into the future.

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Research and Reports

 Get Involved

  • White Ribbon Australia, in collaboration with Youth Action, has launched a survey of youth attitudes towards domestic, family and intimate partner violence. The survey should be completed by those aged 16-25, takes 20 minutes and is completely anonymous.
  • Dr Angela Spinney will be presenting the next 1800RESPECT webinar ‘Exploring practical ways of helping women and children who have experienced domestic and family violence to stay safely in their home‘. Register here


**Articles published do not necessarily reflect the views of AWAVA and are included as items of interest only