AWAVA attended the Summit on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting in Canberra this week which was hosted by the Hon. Tanya Plibersek, with special International Guest and FGM/C expert Dr Comfort Momoh from the UK. AWAVA had to opportunity to participate in the summit, and to meet with Dr Momoh to discuss FGM/C in the Australian context. To read Minister Plibersek’s speech in full click here and you can access the National Compact on FGM/C by clicking here.

FGM summit

AWAVA at the National Summit on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting, April 9, 2013

This week, AWAVA also brings an update on the campaign to make John Laws apologise for his comments to a survivor of child sexual abuse, made last month. AWAVA signed the combined GetUp! and Destroy the joint petition asking Laws to apologise and commit to education on sexual assault. On 11 April, Laws accepted GetUp’s request to speak, on the air, with Dr Cathy Kezelman, President of Adults Surviving Child Abuse.  Laws admitted that “the size of the problem is greater than a lot of people would think” and conceded that as a result of the interview he is now “better informed and better educated“. To hear the full interview, click link.

AWAVA joined the global campaign to eliminate street harassment by participating in the week long anti-street harassment international campaign. Joining the campaign, in solidarity with Meet us on the Street, was a way for AWAVA to raise awareness about street harassment, how it restricts women’s mobility and access to public spaces and that it is not okay.

April is also sexual assault awareness month. In NT, Ruby Gaea are leading the way in raising public awareness about sexual violation by educating communities and individuals about how to prevent sexual assault. They are currently hosting their annual Art of Survival Exhibition. The exhibition is open Monday to Friday 8.30am – 5pm from 5 April  until 2 May at the NT Supreme Court so do go and have a look at some courageous artworks from local survivors.

In other news around the country:



*Articles published are not necessarily representative of the views and opinions of AWAVA, and are published as general information only