AWAVA’s Chair, Julie Oberin, attended the inaugural National Rural Women’s Conference in Canberra to showcase Stopping Violence Against Women Before It Happens: A Practical Toolkit for Communities, developed in partnership with NRWC and CQU’s CDFVR.  The National Women’s Alliances also launched Priorities for Women 2013, a joint project encouraging women to enrol to vote and to vote as women.

In other news around the country

“”…this is an area where the Commonwealth must lead the way….The committee considers that this action, together with a further amendment to the Draft Bill, will assist victims of domestic violence to increasingly participate in the workforce and broader community…””


Resources and Reports

New Reports:

Upcoming Events



  • Register for AMaRWA’s Stand Up! Eliminating All Forms of Violence Against CALD Women national conference on 28-30 April, early bird registration closes on 1 March:
  • For those of you based in Canberra, if you haven’t already make sure you take the opportunity to see The Women Who Made Canberra – an exhibition celebrating women in Canberra’s history, closing 17 March
  • 21 March: Australian Women’s Coalition is calling young women between 18 – 30 years who live, study or work in Auburn, Bankstown, Liverpool or Coffs Harbour NSW, or in Canberra, ACT to be a part of SHOUT!  A series of three free workshops will run in each location, complemented by an online network of support and skills-sharing and a local network of participants and AWC member organisations. The workshops will culminate in community events on Harmony Day next year,  Find out more here




  • 4-15 March 2013: 57th Session of the Commission for the Status of Women (CSW57), New York, priority theme: Eliminating and prevention all forms of violence against women and girls

*Articles published are not necessarily representative of the views and opinions of AWAVA, and are published as general information only