Good to have you all back again for another weekly round-up! Quite a bit in the news this week, both nationally and internationally, as well as a new event or two for you to check out. Enjoy!
Around the nation
- Safe at Home, Safe at Work project run by the Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearance will be appearing at Human Rights & Anti-Discrimination Bill Senate Hearing on 23 January, AWAVA endorsed the ADFVC submission and will jointly present at the hearing lobbying for the inclusion of the status of being a domestic violence victim/survivor as a protected attribute in the consolidated anti-discrimination laws
- New funding has been announced for a Women’s Legal Service in Perth (WA) focusing on supporting Aboriginal women who are victims and survivors of domestic and family violence
- The Sydney Morning Herald reports that the ADF may be asked to suspend alleged rapists and abusers while their cases are being investigated
- In The Age, Rachael Jacobs takes a different look at the protests in India and the impact these may have on ending violence against women
- The Sydney Morning Herald shares Eve Ensler’s call for all of us to join the One billion and rising campaign
- AWAVA signed the petition and called on all of you to help protest against the sexual exploitation of the Lingerie Football League – and according to this article, it looks like we may have had a win
- In this opinion piece, the United States is called on to take steps to make a difference and lead the way in ending violence against women
- This article reflects on the Rape Culture in Nigeria
- Continuing protests in Nepal to end gender-based violence seem to be having little impact
- In the UK, there has been an alarming rise in the number of children being sexually exploited, according to an article from the BBC
- Still in the UK, and the Everyday Sexism Project looks at the continuing culture of victim-blaming
- Syrian refugees are citing rape being used as a weapon of war as the primary reason they have had to flee their homes
- Back in India again this week, as outrageous statements are made by defence attorneys saying that Respected women don’t get raped
- CSW57 meetings were held during the week to unite Africa with one voice to end violence against women
- Juan Carlos Garzon Vergara asks Is Violence Against Women a Priority in Political Agendas?
- Facebook has issued an an apology for allowing images that portrayed violence towards women on their site
Upcoming Events
- WIRE in Victoria present Understanding Financial Abuse in the context of Family Violence being held on 7 March
January 2013
- Closing date extended until 31 January 2013 Still time to submit your abstracts for the Stand-Up! Eliminating All Forms of Violence Against CALD Women national conference, 28-30 April, Canberra
- 18- 20 February: The National Rural Women’s Coalition (NRWC)’s inaugural Conference being held in Canberra. You can get a discounted rate: if you register 4 Gold delegates you get a free registration
- 13-15 May The White Ribbon International Conference is being held in Sydney, calls for papers close 5 February
- 21 March: Australian Women’s Coalition is calling young women between 18 – 30 years who live, study or work in Auburn, Bankstown, Liverpool or Coffs Harbour NSW, or in Canberra, ACT to be a part of SHOUT! A series of three free workshops will run in each location, complemented by an online network of support and skills-sharing and a local network of participants and AWC member organisations. The workshops will culminate in community events on Harmony Day next year, Find out more here
- 11-12 April: Registration is now open for the Child Aware Approaches Conference, Melbourne
- 28-30 April: The Australian Migrant and Refugee Women’s Alliance (AMaRWA) will be holding a 2-day national conference: Stand Up! Eliminating All Forms of Violence Against CALD Women, supported by AWAVA
- ‘Miss Representation’ Screening Tour: Women in Film & Television (WIFT) NSW are planning a series of screenings of ‘Miss Representation’ across Australia in 2012/13. If you are interested in hosting a screening of this film in partnership with WIFT NSW please email them
- 25 – 28 August 8th Australasian Council of Women and Policing conference will be held in Adelaide . Calls for papers is currently open
- 4-15 March 2013: 57th Session of the Commission for the Status of Women (CSW57), New York, priority theme: Eliminating and prevention all forms of violence against women and girls