Wow! A HUGE round-up this week, which will no doubt keep you busy reading for a while! AWAVA have also been busy, participating in the ACT Government™s Office for Women™s inspiring Partners in Prevention Event on 26 November and the 5th National Roundtable for People Trafficking, hosted by the Attorney General, on 28 November. Partners in Prevention brought together leaders from key corporate and industry areas in the ACT to work together to identify ways to prevent violence against women individually, in the workplace and organisationally, over the next 12 months. The workplace is often a refuge for women experiencing violence with 25% of women disclosing domestic violence to their managers and half disclosing to colleagues. Great commitments were made towards creating a community which respects the rights of women to live a life free from the fear and experience of violence . An event that should definitely take place in every state and territory.
Around the Nation
- The COAG’s Select Council on Women’s Issues met 23 November reaffirmed their commitment to the implementation of the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010-22 – read the media release here
- Prime Minister Julia Gillard announced funding for an International Conference on Domestic Violence programs
- Read the Attorney General’s media release here on the 5th National Round-table on People Trafficking
- New support for victims/survivors of domestic and family violence who are on provisional partner visa’s announced. You can access the quick reference fact sheets here
- Read this media release on the inquiry into the treatment of women in the Australian Defence Force. Further announcements are that the ADF will have to fund victim compensation
- NSW announces new guidelines for doctors working with women who have experienced female genital mutilation
- Also in NSW report finds 309 allegations of unlawful sexual contact against nursing home residents were recorded in 2011/12
- In Victoria, the number of registered sex offenders continues to grow
- A new app for workers in Queensland has been launched – it provides a quick reference guide to the Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act 2012
- Listen to this podcast on the Involuntary Sterilisation of People with Disabilities from AWAVA Member, WWDA Executive Director, Carolyn Frohmader
- While you have your listening ears on, check out this podcast on the failure of systems to protect and support a West Australian woman who was murdered by her husband
- and finally, survivor advocate Kate Ravenscroft talks about what she will be doing during the 16 days of activism
- The UN says that states have a responsibility to end violence against women
- The UN officially condemns Female Genital Mutilation. You can read more here
- This article looks at rape as a weapon of war in nations around the world
- In Hong Kong, SlutWalk takes on a different twist to deliver the same message against victim-blaming
- In Egypt, where 4 out of 5 women have experienced violence in their homes, lobbyist are calling to criminalise domstic and family violence but may face staunch opposition
- In Ireland, women’s groups are calling on the government to stop cuts to domestic violence services as need continues to grow
- A first in Massachusetts (USA) as a family pet is included in restraining orders
- The UK announces it’s Female Genital Mutiliation Action Plan
- Still in the UK, and new criminal stalking offences have come into force
National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children “ Update
Minister Julie Collins jointly announced with NSW Minister for Women, Pru Goward, yesterday details about the National Centre for Excellence, a key component of the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2012-22: Read the media release here. The Victorian government also made this announcement about the National Centre for Excellence
Details about the Centre at a glance:
Location: Sydney
When: From 1 January 2013
Funding: $3 million a year ($1 million from Commonwealth in initial year to establish centre and $1.5 million in each following year.) States to contribute on a per capita basis (NSW providing over $491,000 of funding for the Centre each year, with an additional amount of up to $150,000 in cash or kind to assist with establishment)
Function: to develop a national research agenda to improve policy and service delivery
Get Involved!
One Billion Rising
Check out how you can be involved in this world-wide campaign to end violence against women here. Other ways you can be involved include:
- Sign up to the campaign on the ONE BILLION RISING website ( ) and encourage your peers to do the same.
- Tape yourself making a Statement of Commitment, or dancing, singing or show us your choice of visual expression of why and how you will RISE, and load the video on the Facebook group or website of œOne Billion Rising
- To join the online picket, and send a snapshot of yourself holding up a placard stating the reason why YOU would rise & upload this on the website or FB page “”One Billion Rising””
- Encourage dialogue around the issue of violence against women and girls within your social networking community
- Talk to everyone you know about One Billions Rising, and the 1 in 3 statistic; blog, post articles about the ACTION TO RISE UP on 14 February 2013
- Engage in dialogue with your co-workers, friends, and family about ways to address violence against women in your community.
- Learn the Song and Dance moves and join groups around the city on 14 February 2013 and œBreak the Chain
- Change your Facebook profile picture to the One Billion Rising on 14 February 2013
The petition to fund family violence death reviews now has 600 signatures -make sure to add yours!
Upcoming Events!
This Month
- 6 December: Domestic Violence Victoria and the Council to Homeless Persons present the Building best practice in a changing environment forum in Melbourne
- Submit your abstracts for the Stand-Up! Eliminating All Forms of Violence Against CALD Women national conference, 28-30 April, Canberra, closing date 28 December
- 18- 20 February 2013: The National Rural Women’s Coalition (NRWC)’s inaugural Conference being held in Canberra
- 21 March 2013: Australian Women’s Coalition is calling young women between 18 – 30 years who live, study or work in Auburn, Bankstown, Liverpool or Coffs Harbour NSW, or in Canberra, ACT to be a part of SHOUT! A series of three free workshops will run in each location, complemented by an online network of support and skills-sharing and a local network of participants and AWC member organisations. The workshops will culminate in community events on Harmony Day next year, . Find out more here
- 28-30 April 2013: The Australian Migrant and Refugee Women’s Alliance (AMaRWA) will be holding a 2 day national conference: Stand Up! Eliminating All Forms of Violence Against CALD Women, supported by AWAVA. Put it in your diary!
- ‘Miss Representation’ Screening Tour: Women in Film & Television (WIFT) NSW are planning a series of screenings of ‘Miss Representation’ across Australia in 2012/13. If you are interested in hosting a screening of this film in partnership with WIFT NSW please email them
- 4-15 March 2013: 57th Session of the Commission for the Status of Women (CSW57), New York, priority theme: Eliminating and prevention all forms of violence against women and girls