This week, AWAVA welcomed the launch of a new National Foundation to prevent to violence against women and their children. Chaired by former Democrats Senator Natasha Stott Despoja, this foundation represents an incredibly important commitment from both the Federal and Victorian governments to eliminate gender-based violence. Separately, the Hon. Minister Collins also announced 3 milllion dollars in funding for research into preventing perpetrators of violence from re-offending. In response , AWAVA has developed a media release commending this step as part of a broader strategy to prevent violence against women and girls.
It was an exciting week full of rousing announcements and developments for the women’s sector. AWAVA’s collaborative and long-term vision to prevent and eliminate all violence against women has been energised by these renewed efforts. We look forward to continuing strengthening partnerships at all levels for the benefit of women and children everywhere.
Around the nation
- The Minister for Women, the Hon. Julie Collins, and Victorian Minister for Community Services, the Hon. Mary Wooldridge launched a new Foundation to prevent and protect women and their children from violence chaired by former Democrats senator Natasha Stott Despoja. Check out their promotional video, facebook page and coverage from the Herald Sun, the Australian,the Guardian in the UK, Sunrise and online media
- The Minister for Women, the Hon. Julie Collins, also announced a 3 million dollar investment into research on preventing perpetrators of violence from reoffending
- In Victoria, the deputy editor of the Bendigo Advertiser newspaper won an Eliminating Violence Against Women Award for her work raising awareness of domestic violence in the community and was pictured alongside AWAVA Chairperson Julie Oberin
- The Unslut Project has challenged the dangerous culture of ‘slut shaming’ by creating an online space for young women to share their experiences, ask question and receive answers. Contributors noted this site is equally useful for educators working to spread awareness, “As educators, we have a responsibility to talk about victim-blaming and slut-shaming with students. By talking about the way society polices girls and women, based on the way they dress or their perceived sexual activity, we have the opportunity to foster caring learning environments, prevent suffering and save lives.”
- In Melbourne, the brutal murder of Tracy Connelly was a confronting reminder of the ongoing experiences of violence that all women and children face, and the King’s Tribune provided useful information on how to help the community Tracy left behind
- In Victoria, the Women’s Domestic Violence Crisis Service gave unique access to the Herald Sun so the newspaper could report on the realities of working at the frontline of family violence
- In Victoria, Police Chief Commissioner Ken Lay was joined by Melbourne Lord Mayor Robert Doyle and AFL Chief Andrew Demetriou in calling for high-profile men to speak out to end against family violence
- The National Women’s Alliances joint project Women Vote 2013 received coverage from online media focussing on why it is crucial for women to cast an effective, informed and independent vote
Around the world
- UNICEF released the most comprehensive compilation of data and analysis on female genital mutilation / cutting to date in an important new report showing rates of FGM/C declining in many countries
- In North India, a powerful dance-drama performance at an annual teaching principals’ meeting energised ongoing efforts to sensitise students and teaching staff to gender-based violence
- In Nepal, women’s rights activists have been staging weekly protests since April to call on policy-makers to drive the elimination of violence against women by establishing a fast-track court and amending rape laws
- In England, the Crown Prosecution Service reported promising increases in conviction rates for violence against women following the release of the CPS Violence Against Women and Girls Report 2012 – 2013
Get Involved!
- Join the joint National Women’s Alliances Project Women Vote 2013 by participating in the “Women! Use your Vote” campaign
- The NSW Government recently released a series of documents relating to the NSW Domestic and family violence framework (reforms) for public consultation. Responses to their survey are due by 5:00pm on 30 July 2013
**Articles published do not necessarily reflect the views of AWAVA and are included as items of interest only