Welcome to our new subscribers and Happy Official Winter everyone! Quite a few of you have joined in the past few weeks, and it’s exciting to have our readership grow and know that these important stories are reaching further afield every day. Make sure you share these articles, events and news with your networks or encourage sign-up to the weekly round-up, and remember that if you have something you would like to see in the round-up, send it to [email protected] and we’ll try to include it.
In AWAVA news, the staff and Advisory Group have been busy, some of the recent highlights:
- presenting via weblink to Amnesty International offices across Australia on 24 May on AWAVA’s work and key messages. A big thankyou to Amnesty International and the event organisers for inviting us and we look forward to working with Amnesty International in the future
- attending the Connect, Learn, Share presentation on the 2nd World Conference of Women™s Shelters hosted by the Minister for Women, Joy Burch MLA, on 28 May in ACT (find out more about the 2nd World Conference of Women’s Shelters, held in February, here)
- receiving training on the Convention for the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and engaging in the CEDAW review and reporting processes this week – thankyou to our Friend & Supporter, Edwina MacDonald, for being a fantastic, knowledgeable tutor – who patiently answered AWAVA™s Global Engagement and International Mechanisms Working Group’s questions! If you are one of AWAVA’s Friends & Supporters and would be interested in a CEDAW training session please contact us
and now to the news
Around the nation
- This well-said piece from Dr Carole Ford looks at the impacts of violent, sexist language in Australian politics – see AWAVA’s recent post on this issue here
- Rachel Ball and Phil Lynch say that employers have a role in ending domestic violence in this opinion piece published on The Drum
- Watch the clip of Stella Young and Margaret Spencer on the sterilisation of women and girls with disabilities
- VicHealth have released their report on the project More than ready: Bystander action to prevent violence against women
- New laws are being introduced to criminalise forced marriage
- If you haven’t already heard, Elizabeth Broderick has been re-appointed to the Human Rights Commission – read the media release here
- And in news that has made headlines around the world, the High Court has ruled that a man that allegedly raped his wife in 1963 will stand trial, despite his claims that rape within marriage was not illegal at the time
Around the world
- In New Zealand, a new issues paper titled Building collaborations to eliminate family violence: facilitators, barriers and good practice has been released by the NZ Family Violence Clearinghouse
- Changes to the Family Violence Act will come into effect on 7 June – to access quick reference information, factsheets, and answers to FAQs click here to go to the Attorney General’s information page
Get Involved!
Heard of Lingerie Football? You soon will – it’s on its way to Australia – a form of entertainment (not a sport!) that sees lingerie-clad women playing grid-iron, which is both demeaning to women and puts the women involved at high risk of substantial injury. Collective Shout are asking for your help in petitioning to put a stop to it. Click here to sign the petition and to find out other ways that you can lobby. Read what the Australian Womensport and Recreation Association have to say here, and Kate Lundy’s (Federal Minister for Sports) view here if you want more information.
Upcoming Events and Training
- Michael Flood will assess debates over men’s and women’s experiences of domestic violence at a free seminar He Hits, She Hits in QLD on June 22 – this talk will also be available via video-link to a number of sites around Australia. Click here for more information and to register
Still Time to Register!
- Check out dates and locations for Red Cross Human Trafficking Awareness-Raising Sessions – Tasmania now confirmed! Dates 14 and 15 June
- Measuring Family Violence in Victoria – Data Workshops are currently being conducted around Victoria
- Preventing and responding to violence against women: Issues, challenges and best practice in Adelaide (South Australia) on 15 June 2012
- Sowing the Seeds of Change forum to raise awareness of the effects of family violence on women with disabilities organized by women with disabilities, on 19 June in Victoria
- WIRE Women™s Information is offering free workshops to women who have experienced financial control in a family violence situation in June. Please note these workshops are unsuitable for women currently in crisis situations
- The Association of Women Educators conference being held 3-5 July 2012 – for details and registration click here
- Homeless Persons Week, running 6 -12 August, recognises that the most common reason clients give for seeking assistance, relates to domestic and family violence
- The Violence Against Women Conference on 7,8, 9 August 2012, in Brisbane www.violenceagainstwomenqld.com.au
- Take action on Peace Day 21 September, and become part of the largest gathering of people in the name of Peace and non violence. Watch the youtube clip here
- The No To Violence conference in November 2012
- The 7th Womens Health Conference will be held in Sydney in 2013
- Australian Women’s Coalition is calling young women between 18 – 30 years who live, study or work in Auburn, Bankstown, Liverpool or Coffs Harbour NSW, or in Canberra, ACT to be a part of SHOUT! A series of three free workshops will run in each location, complemented by an online network of support and skills-sharing and a local network of participants and AWC member organisations. The workshops will culminate in community events on Harmony Day next year, 21 March 2013. Find out more here