IT’s been a busy week in the media this week, with quite a few articles concerning Violence Against Women passing across our virtual desks.
- Some of you may be interested to read the Sydney Morning Herald’s recent article on Staying Home leaving Violence
- We also spotted an article in The Age this week, highlighhting the issue of Elder abuse in Australian Nusring Homes
- Medical professionals are also often victims of violence, as noted in this article that appeared in the Australian
- The Australian also reported on more funding for supporting Victims of Human Trafficking
- On the international scene, the first Russian Blog discussing issues of Violence Against Women has been launched this week
Reports and Papers released this week are:
- The Productivity Commission has released Volume 2 of the Report on Government Services: Health, Community Services, Housing and Homelessness.
- This issue of Family Matters No 86, 2011 includes a summary of the Australian Institute of Family Studies Evaluation of the 2006 family law reforms; care time arrangements after the 2006 reforms; post-separation parenting; child support; relocation disputes and work-family strain amongst mothers.
- The Australian Institute of Criminology has released three publications this week: one on the effectiveness of drug law enforcement, one on a model performance framework for community based crime prevention, and finally one on Public judgement on sentencing, which showed that more than half of the jurors surveyed suggested a more lenient sentence than the trial judge imposed in a study of 138 Tasmanian trials. All the publications are available on the AIC website
And don’t forget all the conferences and events coming up!
- The Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse would like us to remind everyone that early bird registration for their Intimate Partner Violence Forum is closing soon. You can register online here and the program details and registration form can be downloaded here.
- Early bird registrations are also closing for the AIC’s Meeting the Needs of Victims of Crime being held in Sydney in May
- Another event that may be of interest is the AIC Conference on Young people, risk and resilience