In Focus

3 09, 2018

AWAVA Fourth Action Plan Survey Report

By |2020-06-17T11:27:25+10:00September 3rd, 2018|In Focus, Research & Reports|Comments Off on AWAVA Fourth Action Plan Survey Report

The National Plan to Reduce Violence Against Women and Their Children 2010-2022 (the National Plan) is a major policy framework that has the potential to help achieve gender equality and end violence against women. The National Plan acts as the primary Australian policy on reducing sexual assault and domestic and family violence.   Support for [...]

27 10, 2017

How to make the National Housing and Homelessness Agreement gender responsive?

By |2018-05-22T13:44:54+10:00October 27th, 2017|In Focus|Comments Off on How to make the National Housing and Homelessness Agreement gender responsive?

AWAVA has partnered with Equality Rights Alliance to outline what needs to be done to ensure that the new National Housing and Homelessness Agreement is responsive to the gendered nature of homelessness and housing needs in an article for Parity. Earlier this month, we wrote to the Prime Minister, and all Federal, State and Territory Treasurers and Ministers for [...]

4 04, 2017

Prevalent and Preventable Conference-Easy English Report

By |2020-06-17T11:29:40+10:00April 4th, 2017|In Focus|Comments Off on Prevalent and Preventable Conference-Easy English Report

In September 2016, Our Watch and AWAVA held a three day conference on preventing violence against women. With the help of SCOPE, we produced this Easy English version of the conference report.'  To access please click on the links below: Prevalent & Preventable Conference 2016 - Easy English report in pdf Prevenlent & Preventable Conference [...]

7 03, 2017

Women Take the Lead

By |2017-03-08T06:56:31+11:00March 7th, 2017|In Focus|Comments Off on Women Take the Lead

  In celebration of Queensland Women’s Week True is holding Women Take the Lead, a series of webinars that will cover various topics ranging from trans healthcare, inter sexuality, arts, leadership and the challenges faced by members of LGBTQI communities.    

13 10, 2015

‘Prevalent and Preventable’: International Conference on Violence Against Women

By |2020-06-17T11:27:36+10:00October 13th, 2015|In Focus|Comments Off on ‘Prevalent and Preventable’: International Conference on Violence Against Women

Registrations are now open for the AWAVA / Our Watch international conference on violence against women, which will be held in Adelaide from 19-22 September 2016. Prevalent & Preventable will bring together a diverse group of people including service workers, community advocates, policy makers, researchers, government / non-government and other professionals from around Australia, New Zealand, the [...]

21 04, 2015

Women’s Sector Calls on COAG to take urgent action to address violence against women

By |2015-10-11T18:57:30+11:00April 21st, 2015|AWAVA News, In Focus, Media Release, News, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Women’s Sector Calls on COAG to take urgent action to address violence against women

AWAVA joined with 61 other women's organisations across Australia to call on COAG to take urgent steps to address violence against women. In an open letter to the Prime Minister, we called for robust funding for primary prevention initiatives and sustained and adequate resourcing for women's specialist services. Read our joint Letter to the Prime [...]

30 03, 2015

Funding for Legal Aid Kept

By |2015-03-30T08:09:01+11:00March 30th, 2015|In Focus, Legal & Justice, News|Comments Off on Funding for Legal Aid Kept

Attorney-General Senator the Hon. George Brandis and the Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Women Senator the Hon. Michaelia Cash have announced that current levels of Commonwealth funding of Legal Aid Commissions, Community Legal Centres (except Environmental Defenders Offices) and Indigenous legal assistance will continue for another two years. In their announcement, the Government acknowledge the crucial [...]

6 03, 2015


By |2020-06-17T11:27:38+10:00March 6th, 2015|In Focus, News|Comments Off on AWAVA at CSW59

Check out this video of our Program Manager Sophie Hardefeldt giving you the run-down on next week's CSW 59!     ----Transcript---- The Australian Women Against Violence Alliance is excited to be travelling to New York City later this week for the 59th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women.   But what [...]

23 02, 2015

Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence formally begins

By |2015-02-23T14:59:45+11:00February 23rd, 2015|In Focus, News|Comments Off on Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence formally begins

The Royal Commission into Family Violence has officially begun in Victoria and a new website has been launched. The Commission has asked that submissions not be sent until they have finalised their processes. We will share more details as they become available.

17 02, 2015

Senate Inquiry Terms of Reference

By |2015-02-17T08:24:16+11:00February 17th, 2015|In Focus, News|Comments Off on Senate Inquiry Terms of Reference

Terms of reference are now available here for the Senate Standing Committees of Community Affairs Inquiry into violence, abuse and neglect against people with disability in institutional and residential settings, including the gender and age related dimensions, and the particular situation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disability, and culturally and linguistically diverse people [...]

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