For the most up-to-date health and community information in Australia, please visit the Federal Department of Health here. For global updates, please visit the World Health Organisation here.
AWAVA will continue to update this page as more resources become available. If you or your organisation has a resource you would like to share, please email it to [email protected].
Family and Domestic Violence & COVID-19 through a gender lens
- You can view AWAVA’s call for Federal Government support in light of the risks to women’s and children safety during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as our media statement on initial funding and calls for further investment in safety.
- Fair Agenda continue to collect signatures on their petition urging the government to fund the services women rely on to be safe from violence.
- The Lookout have created an FAQ page on COVID-19 and family violence.
- Domestic Violence Victoria (DVVic) has created a COVID-19 and Family Violence page. It includes resources on COVID-19 and Family Violence for victim survivors, and resources on COVID-19 and Family Violence for family and friends.
- Domestic Violence NSW (DVNSW) have created a COVID-19 information page with links to webinars and emergency briefings, support for SHS providers, government/department information and the police response to COVID-19 and DFV.
- Undercurrent have created a Narrm/Melbourne community resource on Support and Safety Planning During COVID-19. They have also created a version enabling you to enter your local family violence services.
- The Safe & Together Institute have released a special COVID-19 focus podcast episode, exploring being partnered with a survivor and how the dynamics of domestic abuse are changing in the context of COVID-19.
- Sarah Boyd, Director of Global Advocacy, Data2X, has created a list of COVID-19, gender and date resources.
- US-based Futures Without Violence have created a page with information on COVID-19 for survivors, communities and DV/SA programs.
Tech Safety
- The Women’s Services Network (WESNET) have created a resources page for DFV agencies wanting to use technology during the COVID-19 pandemic. It includes resources on using technology to communicate with survivors during a public health crisis, best practices when using mobile devices for service delivery, and how to operate as a remote workplace during a public health crisis.
Sexual and Reproductive Health
- Marie Stopes has created a situational report and released a request for collaboration and action to maintain contraceptive and abortion care throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The report will continue to be updated.
- Updates on the expansion of Telehealth services are available
Alcohol and Other Drugs
- The US Harm Reduction Coalition has created a factsheet on Safer Drug Use During the COVID-19 Outbreak.
- The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women’s Alliance (NATSIWA) and Marrawah Law have created a factsheet on payday lending.
- Services Australia have created a page on information and services to help if you’re affected by coronavirus (COVID-19) or looking for more details. This includes a page where you can register your intention to claim a Centrelink payment if you’re affected by coronavirus (COVID-19).
- have created a page on COVID-19 financial assistance, including resources on making financial decisions during challenging times and protecting yourself from scams.
- The Australian Government Department of Social Services has created a page with regular updates on the Whole of Government Response to Coronavirus, including economic support payments and stimulus.
- Basic Rights Queensland have created resources and factsheets on COVID-19 and Centrelink, information on income support payments for people already getting a payment, and information on income support for coronavirus if you’ve never received income support or can’t find your CRN.
- The Welfare Rights Centre has information and factsheets that can assist you to resolve some problems with Centrelink yourself.
Housing and Homelessness
- The Tenants’ Union of New South Wales have created an information page on Renting & Coronavirus: What you need to know. It contains links to relevant resources and information in different states.
- Shelter WA have created a COVID-19 page with information and links for the social and affordable housing and homelessness sector in Western Australia relating to the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
- The Centre for Social Impact (CSI) have put together a response and fact sheet on homelessness and COVID-19.
Workplace Rights
- The Australian Council of Trade Unions have created a Coronavirus workplace checklist providing general guidance on how to manage and support workers through COVID-19 related issues.
- JobWatch Employment Rights Legal Centre have created a COVID-19 employment rights Q&A page.
- Safe Work Australia have created an information page on COVID-19 and work health and safety.
For People with Disability
- Women With Disabilities Australia (WWDA) have created a Coronavirus COVID-19 page of resources. It includes information on issues for women with disability such as access to grocery items and medications, as well as Auslan interpretations, easy English factsheets and resources for surviving social isolation.
- People with Disability Australia (PWDA) has created a COVID-19 Hub. This hub includes latest news, accessible resource, where to get help, information on disability support services and more.
- The NDIA has created Coronavirus FAQS and Easy Read information for NDIS participants.
- The Disability Royal Commission has suspended upcoming public hearings and community forums, and released both a media release and statement of concern regarding the COVID-19 pandemic for people with disability.
- The Australian Government Department of Health have created Coronavirus (COVID-19) information for health care and residential care workers.
- You can join the Disability and Chronic Illness COVID-19 Information Clearinghouse Australia Facebook group for ongoing updates.
For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People
- The National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) has created a Coronavirus (COVID-19) updates and information page. The page includes resources on how to stop the spread of COVID-19.
- The Aboriginal Health & Medical Research Council of NSW (AH&MRC) has created a COVID-19 Outbreak page. The page includes relevant resources, support for member services, and information on travelling to rural and remote Aboriginal communities and preventing a COVID-19 outbreak.
- The Aboriginal Legal Service NSW/ACT is collecting signatures on a petition to Stop COVID Aboriginal Deaths in Custody before it’s too late.
- Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services Ltd (KAMS) has created a Coronavirus (COVID-19) resources page. These resources are designed by KAMS for the Kimberley Aboriginal population and include information in Kimberley Kriol.
- The Northern Territory Government have created audio files with health messages for coronavirus (COVID-19) to cover the majority of Aboriginal language groups. More recordings will be added as they become available.
For LGBTIQ and HIV Communities
- ACON have created a factsheet answering questions and sharing tips and referrals for the LQBTIQ community.
Translated Resources
- Ethnolink Language Services have translated COVID-19 (Coronavirus) resources into 50 languages.
- The SBS has launched a Multicultural Coronavirus Portal where communities can access the latest news about the pandemic across 63 languages.
- The Australian Government Department of Health have released translated coronavirus (COVID-19) resources.
- The VIC Government has created coronavirus disease (COVID-19) fact sheets available in 48 languages.
- The NSW Government has created translated factsheets on slowing the spread of COVID-19 and social distancing.
- The WA Government has created COVID-19 translated resources and campaign materials.
- The QLD Government has created translated Queensland Health resources.
Supporting Children
- UNICEF have created a resource on how to talk to your child about coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
- The Council of Single Mothers and Their Children have created a page on COVID-19, including where to get the facts and where to find support.
- The Guardian have published a ‘survival guide’ for parents during family isolation, with advice from psychologists.
- Emerging Minds have created a page on supporting children during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. It includes resources on helping children cope with stress and traumatic events.
- Global Partnership End Violence Against Children have created a page on protecting children during the COVID-19 outbreak. It includes resources on protecting children’s safety online, including an article from Australia’s eSafety Commissioner, distance learning solutions and healthy parenting through the crisis.