Best Practice Resources

26 06, 2015

Health and the Primary Prevention of Violence against Women

By |2015-07-09T16:29:23+10:00June 26th, 2015|Best Practice Resources|Comments Off on Health and the Primary Prevention of Violence against Women

The Australian Women's Health Network have developed a position paper focuses on the primary prevention of violence perpetrated by men against women. The paper develops a position on primary prevention (as distinct from secondary and tertiary interventions) and identifies examples of good practice across settings, and factors for success for primary prevention programs. The paper has been developed as [...]

7 03, 2013

Safe Events, Respectful Clubs and Societies

By |2020-06-17T11:27:54+10:00March 7th, 2013|Best Practice Resources|Comments Off on Safe Events, Respectful Clubs and Societies

Safe Events, Respectful Clubs & Societies Resource (SERCS) is a resource and training that has been put together to assist clubs and societies and student organisations to run events which are inclusive and safe for all people.  It has been created in recognition of the important role that student organisations play in the creation of culture and [...]

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