AWAVA has made a submission to the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia Bill 2019
[Provisions] and Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2019 [Provisions].
Understanding of DFV and sexual violence requires intersectional and gender lenses that view violence against women as occurring within a patriarchal society where male dominance and privilege are normalised. From this point of view DFV and sexual violence needs to be understood in the context of oppression and privilege arising from the intersection of racism, colonisation, classism, sexual orientation and gender identity, ethnicity, nationality, religion, dis/ability and age. Understanding violence against women as described above highlights how systemic gaps place particular groups of women at more risk, especially within the family law system.
Download our submission here
Understanding of DFV and sexual violence requires intersectional and gender lenses that view violence against women as occurring within a patriarchal society where male dominance and privilege are normalised. From this point of view DFV and sexual violence needs to be understood in the context of oppression and privilege arising from the intersection of racism, colonisation, classism, sexual orientation and gender identity, ethnicity, nationality, religion, dis/ability and age. Understanding violence against women as described above highlights how systemic gaps place particular groups of women at more risk, especially within the family law system.
Download our submission here