Media statement
18 September 2019
Australian Women Against Violence Alliance (AWAVA) calls on parliamentarians of all parties to stop the proposed inquiry into family law, which was announced yesterday in response to a motion by Senator Pauline Hanson.


“We have had enough enquiries. There are steps the Government can take right now to make the family law system safer for women and children. Safety is what we should be focused on now, not setting up a platform for those who choose not to believe victims/survivors,” Dr Merrindahl Andrew, AWAVA Program Manager said.


“It is completely inappropriate for a parliamentary inquiry to be co-chaired by someone who has openly stated her disbelief in these experiences of violence – especially when this violence has been thoroughly documented by women’s own voices as well as extensive academic and policy research,” Dr Andrew said.


“Victims/survivors and the community at large can have no confidence in a parliamentary inquiry constituted in this way. We call on all parliamentarians to work together to stop this unnecessary and harmful inquiry.”


For media inquiries please contact:
Dr Merrindahl Andrew
AWAVA Program Manager
Ph: 0428 541 396