6 March 2019

The Australian Women Against Violence Alliance (AWAVA) welcomes the substantial investment in this package and looks forward to working on the detailed implementation. We are particularly pleased to see the strong investment in primary prevention and recognition that this work needs to be done with communities in their diversity.

As we move towards finalisation of the Fourth Action Plan itself, we urge all governments at the State and Territory and Commonwealth levels to work together to create a holistic plan that takes an intersectional approach encompassing the diversity of women’s situations, the different forms that violence can take, the systems reforms and full range of services required, within a solid governance and coordination framework. The elements of this approach are detailed in our submission on the development of the Fourth Action Plan.

For further information please contact:
Merrindahl Andrew
AWAVA Program Manager
m: 0428 541 396 | e: [email protected] | w: www.awava.org.au