“‘Zoe’s Law’ if passed will for the first time bring ‘foetal personhood’ into Australian Law. This will undermine women’s rights in NSW, restrict access to medical care for both the foetus and the mother, and further stigmatise pregnancy in NSW.

This Bill is still before the Legislative Council (the upper house of NSW) and could be called for a vote as early as this Thursday (13 Nov 2014).

The last possible day that they can bring the Bill on to a vote is Thursday 20 November 2014, then the Bill will lapse and will not be able to be voted on in this form ever again.

Join us to protect our right to choose by filling the Legislative Council gallery and wear something purple.

TIME: 9:30am
PLACE: Legeslative Council Gallery
WHY: To make sure Politicians vote No to Zoe’s Law

We will know whether the bill will be brought to a vote only days before it happens so be prepared! We will give you as much warning as we have.

Watch over our rights.”