The 7th Australian Women’s Conference ‘Gender Matters: Determining Women’s Health’ will continue Australia’s focus on showcasing cutting edge research and best practice approaches in women’s health policy and practice locally, across Australia and internationally. ‘Gender Matters: Determining Women’s Health’ promises to be vibrant and energising in every respect. Along with sharing expertise from across the nation and internationally it will be held in the wonderful heart of Sydney only minutes from after-Conference diversions such as the Sydney Opera House, Royal Botanic Gardens, Harbour Bridge, Art Gallery NSW, The Rocks and Sydney’s retail precinct.

The 7th Australian Women’s Health Conference is relevant to: service providers, policy makers, managers, researchers, women’s health, mental health, community health, social and community services, Aboriginal controlled services, migrant and refugee services, reproductive services, legal services, universities, disability services, allied health care, public health, educators, academics, local councils, Local Health Districts, Medicare Locals, Government, non-government and private sectors, volunteers and students.

For more details please visit