Information on progress against the National Plan to Reduce Violence Against Women and their Children 2010-22 and the National Priorities is now available following the first National Plan Implementation Panel (NPIP) in April 2012. The update is provided from the National Plan Secretariat, Safety Taskforce Branch, FaHCSIA and can be accessed here
Some of the highlights:
Primary prevention activities during 2012-13 include:
- inclusion of respectful relationship education in the national curriculum: the draft curriculum is due to be developed by the end of 2012, followed by national consultation in the first half of 2013 for finalisation by the end of 2013
- development of primary prevention benchmarks; and
- working with media to help guide and shape the broader conversation about violence against women
Keep an eye out for:
- National standards for telephone and/or online counselling services report: due by October 2012 with recommendations
- Expansion of 1800RESPECT to support frontline workers: work has started on an online portal
- Women with Disability: Women with Disability Australia is undertaking broad consultations to analyse service delivery barriers, identify and develop resources and possible areas for structural reform to improve access for women with disability who experience or are at risk of violence
- Building the Evidence Base: Work is well progressed with the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) to conduct the Personal Safety Survey in 2012. Reporting from the survey is currently on track to be available in the second half of 2013