AWAVA is supporting and endorsing the Safe Events Respectful Clubs and Societies (SERCS) program that has been developed by one of our Advisory Group member organisations, the National Union of Students (NUS), by NUS Women’s Officer, Noni Sproule, in partnership with South Eastern Centre Against Sexual Assault (SECASA)

SERCS is a resource and training that has been put together to assist clubs and societies and student organisations to run events which are inclusive and safe for all people.  It has been created in recognition of the important role that student organisations play in the creation of culture and community within universities.

The project is being launched by Senator Clare Moore and is supported and endorsed by two of the commonwealth-funded National Women’s Alliances, AWAVA and the Equality Rights Alliance.

Launch Details:

Date:     10 July 2012

Time:    6pm

Where:  Parliament House, Canberra

RSVP:    email: [email protected] by 2 July

Click here for invite