AWAVA joins the growing expressions of concern about the misogynistic and sexist treatment of Australia’s first woman Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, within Parliament, in the media and within the community.

AWAVA endorses the Open Letter from women’s organisations nationally stating that the public treatment of the Prime Minister is akin to the scourge of interpersonal violence that affects 1 in 3 Australian women.

These comments are unacceptable:

Alan Jones suggests placing the Prime Minister in a bag and drowning her at sea (Alan Jones June 2011, July 2011)

Grahame Morris proposes kicking her to death (Grahame Morris Feb 2012)

Tony Abbott wants a ‘target on her head’ (Tony Abbott March 2011)

the anti-Carbon Tax movement brandish ‘burn the witch’ placards (March 2011)

AWAVA welcomes informed political analysis and debate and demands that the media and politicians lift their game.