AWAVA attended the public forum Exploring Sexual Violence and Institutionalisation in the ACT on Monday, which discussed the vulnerability of women in institutions, with particularly powerful contributions from women with lived experience.   Some of the key points raised were:
  • 89% of women in prisons have experienced some form of sexual abuse
  • Sexual violence in mental health facilities is often unreported, or met with disbelief, minimisation and blame; those who have experienced violence should receive trauma-based care
  • The definition of domestic and family violence needs to be widened to include institutional setting
The Australian Government’s violence against women social marketing campaign, The Line, is a finalist in an international award for innovation.  The Avon Foundation for Women recognises organisations from around the world which have produced exemplary communications campaigns and materials about ending violence against women.  Award winners will be announced at the 2nd World Conference of Women’s Shelters on 28 February, in Washington DC.
Reports in the news internationally this week include:
  • The Daily Star reports on the STOP Domestic Violence Against Women protest in Beirut, a demonstration raising awareness of Lebanon’s lack of legislation protecting women from domestic abuse, including spousal rape and physical violence
  • A special police force has been established in Istanbul specifically to address gender-based violence, the World Bulletin reports on the 15-day training course for officers on  gender relations, inequality and how to properly and sensitively handle cases of gender-based violence
Coming Up!
Friday 2 March: Joint Alliances International Women’s Day Event
Thursday 8 March: International Women’s Day Lunch – UN Women (12.30pm-2pm), National Convention Centre, Canberra
Thursday 8 March: ACT International Women’s Day Awards, 5.30pm, Street Theatre.  Enquiries: [email protected] or 6205 0515
Friday 9 March: Identifying the Hidden Disaster: The First Australian Conference on Natural Disasters and Family Violence, Melbourne
Early call for papers for the Participatory Justice and Victims Conference – a ground-breaking conference exploring the practices and politics of participation in justice processes by individuals and communities victimised by violence (closes Friday 11 May 2012)