Why women’s specialist services are critical to ending violence against women
When: Wednesday, 15 February 2022, 2.30pm to 4.00pm This webinar will examine the role of women’s specialist services and identify the core reasons why they are so important. It will help develop a collective narrative to take to governments ahead of the May federal budget and beyond. Urgent investment is needed - in the right places - to ensure women and children have universal access to the full suite of services they need to be safe in both the short and long term. The interactive webinar will be facilitated by Julie Oberin AM, National Chair of WESNET, the national peak body for women’s domestic and family violence specialist services. Panellists will include Karen Bentley, CEO, WESNET, Amie Carrington, CEO, Domestic Violence Action Centre, Helen Campbell OAM, Executive Officer, Women’s Legal Services NSW, Michal Morris, CEO, inTouch Multicultural Centre Against Family Violence, Nicole Lambert, Vice Chairperson, National Association of Services Against Sexual Violence, and Mali Hermans, Senior Policy Officer, First Peoples Disability Network. In recognition of the importance of this issue, WESNET is offering this webinar free to all AWAVA Round Up readers and other AWAVA friends and supporters. Please register here.